Ayuda de la API de MediaWiki

Esta es una página de documentación autogenerada de la API de MediaWiki.

Documentación y ejemplos: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page

meta=readinglists (rl)

(main | query | readinglists)
  • Este módulo es interno o inestable y no debes usarlo. Su funcionamiento puede cambiar sin previo aviso.
  • Este módulo requiere permisos de lectura.
  • Fuente: ReadingLists
  • Licencia: GPL-2.0-or-later

List or filter the user's reading lists and show metadata about them.

This module has four modes of operation. With the rllist parameter, it returns information about the specified list. With the rlchangedsince parameter, it returns all lists of the current user which have been changed since the given date. (This is meant for device sync and, unlike the other modes, includes deleted lists. Only changes to list metadata are considered, not changes to list items.) With the rlproject and rltitle parameters, it returns all lists that include that page. Without any of those parameters, it returns all lists.

Parámetros específicos:
Other general parameters are available.

List ID.

Tipo: entero
The value must be no less than 1.

Project of the page to filter on. Must be used together with rltitle. Will only return lists which include this project and title.


Title of the page to filter on. Must be used together with rlproject. Will only return lists which include this project and title.


Show lists that have been changed since this timestamp. Must be after 2024-05-31T22:45:03Z. Clients should use the timestamp returned in the readinglists-synctimestamp field from an earlier call if they want to ensure that no changes are missed, and should be prepared to receive changes that have already been returned in an earlier response, and handle them in an idempotent way.

Tipo: timestamp (formatos permitidos)

Property to sort by. Ignored when rlproject and rltitle is set (results are returned in DB order). Defaults to updated when rlchangedsince is set, and to name otherwise.

Nombre de la lista. (El ordenamiento es por valor binario; p. ej., cualquier carácter ASCII mayúsculo se ordenará antes que los minúsculos.)
Fecha y hora de la última actualización. (Entre las actualizaciones hay cambios a los metadatos pero no se incluyen los cambios a los elementos de la lista.)
Uno de los siguientes valores: name, updated

Sort direction: ascending (A to Z, oldest to newest) or descending. Ignored when rlproject and rltitle is set.

Uno de los siguientes valores: ascending, descending
Predeterminado: ascending

Número de resultados a devolver.

Tipo: entero o max
The value must be between 1 and 10.
Predeterminado: 10

Cuando haya más resultados disponibles, usa esto para continuar. Puedes encontrar más información detallada sobre cómo continuar consultas en mediawiki.org.

Obtener las listas de lectura del usuario actual.
api.php?action=query&meta=readinglists [abrir en la zona de pruebas]
Get the reading lists of the current user which have changed since 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z.
api.php?action=query&meta=readinglists&rlchangedsince=2013-01-01T00:00:00Z [abrir en la zona de pruebas]
Get the reading lists of the current user which contain the page Dog from project en.wikipedia.org
api.php?action=query&meta=readinglists&rlproject=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org&rltitle=Dog [abrir en la zona de pruebas]