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Se ha deshecho la revisión 108258 de Urban Sirentist (disc.)
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Jehai 1:
[[Ta'ãnga:Corvus brachyrhynchos 30157.JPG|thumb|250px|Cuervo]]
'''Yryvu''' ({{es|Cuervo}}, {{la|Corvus}}) oĩ ko [[guyra]]. Sa'y yryvugua hũ.
Ogapypegua: ''Corvidae''
The Yryvu inhabits rabbit warrens that it has overthrown only emerging at night to hunt snakes.
They are only found in southern Ukraine, Crimea and western Russia. It is the only flying bird discovered to have retractable talons, a trait most frequently found in felines. It uses this unique ability to burrow into the soft earth and hunt its prey from below.